Cooperation Coordinated

The MAXNET Energy consortium is coordinated at the MPI CEC in Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany and includes seven Max Planck Institutes and the Cardiff Catalysis institute as MPG-external member. The consortium oranizes frequent meetings at least four times a year that include organisatorial meetings, workshops and conferences. Every MAXNET Energy node is provided with funding for students, equipment and travelling. The scientists working on MAXNET projects focus on providing added value in synergy with other projects in the network.

A unique feature within MAXNET Energy are two dedicated modes of cooperation: The shared mode includes cooperation by sharing expertise, samples and materials or resources. This way, the knowledge and facilities within MAXNET Energy are used in an optimal way and communication and cooperation are facilitated.

In the joined mode, participants define and use common reference systems, standards and standard protocols for materials, systems and measurements. This way, each working group uses predefined common experimental parameters in order to guarantee the same experimental conditions and thus comparability and transferability of the results between all groups.

MAXNET Energy test cell

At the MPI CEC an electrochemical test setup has been established which can be used to assess novel catalyst materials routinely. This central service, that is accessible for all MAXNET Energy participants, is aimed at investigating, comparing and benchmarking a broad variety of novel catalysts or other components like binders etc. The focus here is not necessarily activity, but also durablility und operation conditions. Hence, it offers a hub for further investigations on a material and at the same time an easy access test that brings catalysts from the labs of material scientists closer to large-scale application conditions.